Newsy Notesy Stuff...Updated...
Sunday, 28 August 2011 03:00
(Photo - Hedge and Boots being totally thin and into each other.)
Who are winningest athletes on the Minnesota tri/du scene this season? Our research reveals that ten boys and girls have won at least three races apiece, and another 11 have recorded at least two victories. We've listed the Top 10 and highlighted what we believe to be their biggest wins of the season thus far.
1. Dan Hedgecock - 9 wins / 12 starts - Biggest - Life Time-Minneapolis
2. Becky Youngberg - 6 wins / 10 starts - Biggest - Lake Waconia
3. Michelle Andres - 7 Wins / 12 starts - Biggest - Gear West Duathlon
4. Claire Bootsma - 6 wins / 11 starts - Biggest - Maple Grove Olympic...
5. David Thompson - 5 wins / 16 starts
6. Matthew Payne - 4 wins / 11 starts - Biggest - Trinona Olympic
7. Patrick Parish - 3 wins / 12 starts -