Breaking Up is Hard to Do...

bag breathingBy Bonnie Bagbreather

Hyperventilation and I go way back. We met at the swim start of my first triathlon about three years ago.

He was an aggressive fellow, springing at me out of nowhere before I even had a chance to put my swim cap on. He made me feel, dare I say, smothered.

I broke up with him since then. We tried unsuccessfully to work out our differences but we just were not compatible. We wanted different things and we were heading in different directions. On occasion he shows up at my races, or even when I am trying to train, and begs me to get back together with him. I tell him I don't want him in my life anymore, that I've moved on, but he just laughs and says he'll be back soon. I should get a restraining order. A couple of days ago I looked out my living room window and saw Hyperventilation driving by my house. It's like he senses something; like he knows....
