Missing the Girls...


Photos - L- R - Marlo, Brook, Shelley, Jenny S., Kat & reptilian friend, and Kort's kids...

Feature - A testament to how much female tri talent there is in our state is the fact that this year, perhaps more than any other, Minnesota is without so many of its best multisportswomen, yet there are still plenty of talented girls to rock the regional scene. Claire and Michelle and Suzie have, as they say in ball and puck sports, stepped up. Additionally, 2004 Minnesota Triathlete of the Year Becky Youngberg is returning to the scene after a multi-year maternity and life interruptions layoff....

Still, as observers and historians of our state's tri/du lifestyle, we must admit that we miss those girls who are on the sidelines.jenny

Who's absent you ask? And why?

In case you hadn't noticed, at least eight Team Minnesota-worthy ladies are sidelined at the moment. Some of them will be absent for the entire season. Some even longer than that. They are (in alphabetical order):

- Marlo Crosby-McGaver - Winner of 26 races and six MMAs since 2005, Marlo has moved to Arizona.

- Kortney Haag - The former Rookie of the Year and Most Improved award winner has not been very lucky this year. Injuries and a bike crash are keeping her off the race course for the time being.

- Brook Mutzenberger - Cute and diminutive, the 2009 Lake Waconia winner and former Team Minnesota member is now living in Phoenix, Arizona. FYI, she recently placed 3rd at the AZ Best of the US qualifier and has been invited to represent her adopted state at the BOUS Championship in September.

- Shelley Nelson - One of our state's most underrated triathletes, Shelley has several wins and podium finishes to her credit since 2006. She now lives in Denver, Colorado.


- Jenny Shaughnessy - The 2010 Rookie of the Year is doing graduate school stuff at Duke University in North Carolina. She is also injured.

- Katherine Schlaefer - Undefeated in four starts in 2010, the inordinately bright and multilingual St. Paul resident is recovering from surgery.

- Marnie Walth (photo below) - An Honorary Minnesotan, this North Dakotan has won 12 of our state's most competitive races since 2000, including Timberman, Chisago Half, Apple, Gear West and Heart of the Lakes. She's been busy doing mom stuff and is more focused on running than triathlon right now.

- Jenny Wilcox (photo above R)- 2010 Minnesota Duathlete of the Year and USAT DOY HM is recovering from an injury.

- Cathy Yndestad (photo R)- Minnesota's Athlete of the Decade has the worst kind of collarbone break. Could return in the fall. We sure hope she does.

marnieSpeaking for everyone in Minnesota's multisport community, we miss you guys! If you're injured, get good ASAP. Okay? If you've relocated, we wish you well and hope that you return often. And if you are simply doing other stuff, we look forward to your return, whenever that may be.
