Flag Dresses, Big Chairs & Full Slabs...

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Going Off Course - Like Charlie Sheen, Beth Shipston has an addictive personality. Charlie's addicted to lots of stuff that is self-destructive: tobacco, drugs, alcohol and kinky naughty stuff with professional kinky naughty people. Beth, on the other hand, is addicted to self-elevating stuff, like love, Patriotism, fitness, smiling, people, Canada, Minnesota, children, Pink and popcorn. Her only two vices are texting, for which there is no known cure, and ribs, which she was introduced to in Decadent Duluth, not Decent Canada....

Poor addicted Beth Shipston loves ribs so much that she invents excuses to travel to Decadent Duluth, where she goes to the totally great Black Woods Grill & Bar on London Road and orders a FULL SLAB (not a half slab) of baby backs ($23.99) with apple pecan baked beans, chive mashed potatoes and homemade cornbread, which she, despite her diminutive size, consumes quickly and completely.ribs

Beth, our research shows that many others share your addiction to Black Woods' ribs. You are not alone. The suspicion that the smoky sauce is laced with crack has yet to be officially confirmed.

What else can we tell you about the lovely addict, Beth Shipston? She's profoundly pretty, has three great kids, spells words Britishly (favourite, colour, realise etc.), has a Canadian flag dress (photo above)
