Movie Review...

scott pBy Warren Peece

MTN Movie Reviews - The MTN guys asked me to write a movie review.

"Hey, Warren, why don't you write a movie review?"

"Why?" I replied.

"'Cuz triathletes watch movies, especially in the wintertime when they spend so much time on their trainers," the MTN guy explained.

"Okay," I said.

After a pregnant moment, I asked MTN guy if my review had to be intelligent and well thought-out.

"Does my review have to be intelligent and well thought-out?"

"We'd prefer that it wasn't."


Last weekend I rented "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World." I watched it. I thought it was really, really good. It's a comic booky / action-fantasy / video game gone awry type of deal. It stars Michael Cera, who was great as the dweeby impregnator "Pauly Bleeker" in the SUPER COOL movie "Juno."

I like Michael Cera. He has a real interesting nerdy appeal and can play the guitar good. He was very good in his role as Scott Pilgrim, a 22-year-old Canadian musician with a really bad haircut. During the movie he acquires two girlfriends, one of which is a 17-year-old Asian High School student named "Knives." Cool name, huh. The other is older, maybe 25. Her name is Ramona. She is darkly enigmatic, a good roller-blader and changes her hair color a lot.

She's also very hot!

To win the heart of Ramona, Scott must defeat her "7 Evil Exes." The fight scenes are awesome.

I like Banana Nut Bread Clif Bars a lot. And on a scale of one-to-five Banana Nut Bread Clif Bars, I give "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" four Banana Nut Bread Clif Bars.



ED. Did you enjoy "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World"? Or not so much? Let us know what you think? Or send us a review of a movie you've seen recently, as long as it's not too intelligent or well thought-out, that is.
