70 With Great Hair...

hank bbhank trackhank coach

Photos - L - R - Pre-adolescent baseballer Hank - High School Sprinter Hank - Coach Hank

Going Off Course - The purpose of the "Going Off Course" features is to demonstrate that Minnesota triathletes have rich and interesting lives outside of triathlon and that they are worth knowing for those reasons as much as for the tri-lifestylish ones you share with them. These articles are also an opportunity..

to go even further "Off Course" with the subject; to play with their styles and tastes and get a bit outlandish in the process.hank

Then decorated triathlete Hank Larsen submitted the completed questionnaire we sent to him a few days earlier.

Wow! What a cool guy.

We are not going to toy with his words, which are fascinating and eloquent and speak of a beautiful life; one wherein family and community service are ever at the forefront.

Hank is 70, extremely handsome, a devoted athlete, husband, father and friend. And he hasn't lost any hair.

Enjoy the words and totally cool images.

Name: Henry (Hank) Larsen

Age: 70 years young

I have lived in Glencoe, MN for 43 years

I may look like a true blue Midwesterner, but in reality I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. My parents came from Norway, got married in Janesville, Wisconsin in late 1920
