Teddie's Taper Tricks...
Monday, 06 January 2025 00:10
ED. We recently discovered a guest post written by MInnesota pro triathlete Ted Treise. It was posted on pickybars.com in July, 2018. It's good stuff!
By Ted Treise
If I were to do a self-assessed pros & cons list of my tri skills, tapering would lead the cons column in bold, a font size or two bigger, and underlined. I hate the taper. It’s a perfect storm for the monkey mind to dart into 10,000 different directions fueled by the extra energy that comes with reduced training stress and the excitement/ pre-race jitters. Examples of typical monkey mind paths include but are not limited to: ...
• Needing ABC super-part for my bike yesterday.
• Self-diagnosis of chronic disease via WebMD.
• Self-diagnosis of newly torn XYZ injury.
• New diet trend to start following yesterday.
• Radical adjustment of bike fit.
• (Insert irrational action here)…
It’s a long, awesome, adventure to race day, but here is an insight into my war chest when battling the beast that is tapering. READ MORE