Going "Off Course" With YOU..

keiferMTN's most popular off-season posts were our "Going Off Course" features wherein we introduced our readership to the non-triathletic side of Minnesota triathletes. We learned cool and important stuff about them. For instance, Brooke Darst Rice, who doesn't hyphenate, has a Keifer Sutherland/Jack Bauer fetish (photo L), loves Cheez-Its and yearns to be an Orchestra conductor. Did you know this? You would have if you'd read MTN on May 7.

And did you know that Stephanie Shuster's favorite book is the profoundly irreverent Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs and that she eats turkey sandwiches for breakfast? You would if you'd visited the site on March 28....

And did you know that the amazingly cool Mike Waataja has "The Kavorka?" And that his wife looks like Anna Kournikova and mikesometimes, and he's not ashamed to admit it, he wears her underwear (disturbing photo R). Yes, he drinks. This hard-hitting, important news appeared on March 9. LINK

We've posted at least 30 "Going Off-Course" features and are anxious to publish oodles more. In fact, our off-season editorial plans call for two such posts per week between now and April.

Why are we doing this, you ask?

Because being a triathlete is only one of the reasons triathletes are cool people. We want someone to tap Marta Lewinski on the shoulder in a transition area next season, introduce themselves and say, "My dream vacation destination is Greece, too." Or "I also loved 'The New Earth From Above.'" (It's a book.) Or bump into (not literally) Georgia Kandiko at Byerly's and admit that he or she also loves the old "Gidget" movies.

Lifelong friendships get made this way.

That's right, we want people to connect with each other, and not just as triathletes. Sure it's fun to talk about training and racing and who's got the most gruesome injury, but it's also cool to discuss movies, books, travel, food, kids...You name it. It's good stuff and it helps "build community."

So, we want to post a "Going Off Course" feature about YOU? We want Minnesota's tri community to get to know you better. If you're up for it, we ask that you e-mail pictures of yourself and the answers to the questions below to either This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
