Part II - Lots of Hanging Tough...


By Ted Treise 

Ironman St George 70.3
If we were shaking the rust off in Texas, I had no idea where we were at fitness-wise a month later in St. G. The field was nuts, close to a World Championship 70.3 roster with about 80 dudes on the start list – lots made the trek over from Europe due to closers. In the days leading up, I was just so excited to race these guys and see where I was at. For help wise, it was my mom and I taking on the world. Just us and a giant Tahoe Enterprise upgraded us to. A very fun trip completed with me loosing $60 at a Las Vegas black jack table in about 3 hands. Anyway back to the race;
S: I lined up with Ben Deal. I knew he could swim front chase pack and I just had to stay on his feet. His wetsuit is a DeSoto with some 80s neon blue logo on the side. After the gun sounded, all I saw was that stupid logo swimming away after 300 yards. But again, I swam with a decent pack and it was still a huge improved swim from prior years.

B: I pushed like mad on the bike enjoying the up and down course. Eventually I caught up to Matt Russel’s pack in Snow Canyon then hung out there throughout the descent. During this ride I couldn’t believe the people I was going through, Reid, Lagerstrom, Lieferman. It was truly something I’ll never forget....

R: On the run, I left with Matt Russel and we ran together for about half the race. About mile 8 or so I was blasted away by the hills. Holy smokes I was not expecting those hills. I finished mid-pack with some big names around me. Maybe not a top 10 or 20 place, but this race really did changes things for me and I’m very proud of it.
Apple Duathlon
This race was just pure joy to take part in. We have a family cabin in Annandale & it was easy drive for my folks, Dani and I. Some of the things I worked on here was nutrition leading up to the race (oatmeal vs. bagel pre-race to settle my stomach) & better transitions. A win for all three including the race!


Ironman Des Moines 70.

Des Moines felt somewhere in between Apple duathlon & Texas 70.3. The field was lacking some of the big names and it felt like it was anyone’s game. As with Apple, my folks could be there along with Dani’s family which was a huge plus. They lined the course in every part. Not to mention lots MN racers were there.

Race morning had storms delay the start by 3 hours and the bike course was shortened by half. For the pro field, we got 30 minutes in transition. It was mad rush & when I heard the pro escort announce we were due at the swim start in 5 minutes only half my bike was ready. This really added to the ‘oh sh!t we gotta go’ pressure.
Once we were ushered to the start, all the pressure seemed to dissipate. It felt like a training day with all my tri friends compared to a pro race where Holly Lawrence is pushing me out of the way for her introduction. ‘Watch the hands Holls, I’m a married man!’ (Just kidding!). Usually I’m pretty revved up at this point before the gun goes off so an odd feeling of sorts.
S: Swim wise, there were a couple fish in the field & most of the pro men lined up way on the outside where these studs were. I had a direct line on the sighting buoys with a couple dudes close by – TJ Tolakson being one. TJ is the owner of Dimond Bikes, my bike sponsor, so the pressure was on to hold onto his feet and not look like an idiot. Well I was a stud for about 300 yards then lost the lead pack. The chase pack was about half the lake over to my left (also failed to hold onto fast feet) so I hung tight on my line and eventually merged with some other pack behind them. It was a so-so swim, but I am making packs & things are looking up.

B: On the bike, I thoroughly enjoy my time on dry land and use it to make up whatever time was lost on the swim. Since the bike was shortened, half the real estate didn’t allow for such a move but I hung tough. I felt like 70.3 power was my max but needed 24.6 power.

R: On the run, there was lots more of hanging tough. I couldn’t believe how hot it was and each aid station was a chance for me to shower ice on myself. One part I loved about this race was seeing all the MN local kits out there. It really felt like a hometown race.  (End of Part II)
