Top 10 Newbie Fears...


By David Mills (newtotri.com)


1.    What if I can barely even swim 2 laps?
     The swim is simply the bouncer that stands at the triathlon doors to keep the riff-raff out.  If it weren’t for the swim, there would probably be about a million more triathletes than there are today.  And that’s the whole point of a bouncer right?  To keep the party exclusive; to keep it respectable.  The truth is, swimming is coordination.  It’s like patting your head and rubbing your belly at the same time.  Anyone in the world can do it.  You just have to practice it a little.  With even a kindling of desire to become a triathlete, anyone can acquire the necessary coordination to kick, stroke, and breathe in a coordinated rhythm with a few trips to the local YMCA.  Don’t let the swim intimidate you.  But don’t expect it to come easily your first time in the pool.  Just stick with it and don’t get discouraged; before you know it, it will “click” and you’ll be swimming laps no problem....


    2.    Running is hard enough.  I don’t think I could do it after all that swimming and biking.
     Take heart, running is the easiest of the three to do, so it comes at the end.  You can go as slow as you want to without fear of sinking or crashing.  All you have to do is trot along, reflect on how much you’ve already accomplished, and get closer and closer to the finish line.  There’s plenty of aid stations, and there’s nothing that says you can’t stop and walk when you need to!
    3.    What if I have to go to the bathroom during the middle of the event?
     This is a very common concern.  It’s one of the most common things (along with eating) that I get asked about.  Especially when dealing with races as long as an Ironman, which can take up to 17 hours, everyone is going to have to go at some point.  There are usually plenty of port-a-potties located throughout the race.  Most everyone takes a “pit stop” and it’s really nothing to worry about.  At an Ironman triathlon, you can’t toss an empty water bottle without it hitting two port-a-potties.  But if you’ve only got to go #1, and you don’t feel like pulling over, you can just let it go while you’re coasting downhill – you won’t be alone (I promise).  READ MORE
