Getting Pissed & Stripping Wallpaper...


By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatife.com)

Here’s a look at what’s been up this summer. Well, mostly what’s been up since IRONMAN Canada. Because we all know that peak training doesn’t leave much time for anything besides swim bike run eat recover sleep repeat, right?


Better and more settled. Not gonna lie, the post-race blues were legit. More so than after any other race. I cried a LOT – and then looked at the 35-39F AG race results and got pissed. I honestly don’t know that I’ll ever feel good about IRONMAN Canada – and that’s ok – but rather than dwell on it, I’m choosing to look at it as an opportunity. An opportunity to really recover physically andmentally (five IMs in two years… yikes), to strengthen + sharpen my mental game (lots of books to read!), replenish the well, to swim bike run when I feel like it, and to focus on things outside of triathlon. Five weeks out, I’m feeling immensely lighter and better – and am hungry for redemption. This journey isn’t over yet!  ...



So many fantastic articles lately! Some were shared via Mario Fraoili’s the morning shakeout (if you’re not a subscriber, sign up now! It’s excellent) and others found via social. I’m sensing a theme – a couple of the articles and the book I’m currently reading, Peak Performance, are by Brad Stulberg. He’s a great writer and his insights are thoughtful and spot-on. Here’s a round-up of my favorite recent reads. 

  • Maybe we all need a little less balance. I’ve said it before – there’s really no such thing as balance. It’s all about your priorities. Stulberg says it well: Maybe [the good life is] about pursuing your interests fully, but with enough internal self-awareness to regularly evaluate what you’re not pursuing as a result — and make changes if necessary.
  • If you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will. A thoughtful read on saying yes or no and I have to vs. I choose to. What do you say? 
  • Why do rich people love endurance sports? What resonated most with me from this read: …endurance sports offer something that most modern-day knowledge economy jobs do not: the chance to pursue a clear and measurable goal with a direct line back to the work they have put in. This! This is one reason I love triathlon so much. 
  • The most effective way to say no to things you don’t wanna do. I’m guilty of it – saying yes to things when when every ounce of my being is screaming no. So I’ve been trying the reframing suggested in this article: saying I don’t rather than I can’t. It works, too. 
  • A woman’s place. Ladies, read this right now. All of this. I so relate to her. ...READ MORE