Dynamic Intermingling...

The_Inheritance_of_Healthy_Life_Habits_600x400-300x200.pngED. Here is an AWESOME article we stumbled upon recently. It was posted in "Rochestermn.citymomsblog.com," FYI - RBM placed 7th (4:29:51) yesterday at Buenos Aires 70.3.

By Ruth Brennan Morrey

The intermingling of my children in my world of sport and exercise is quite…dynamic. Yes, I think that is the word. Dynamic. Even as a professional athlete, my children—aged 12, 9, and 7—cannot and should not be separated from my athletic endeavors. A rich dimension to my life, they are an integral part of my success. They provide me with time management skills, recovery, laughter, distraction, balance, and overwhelming joy. Don’t get me wrong, the little minions drive me absolutely batty at times


Time after time, often with tears in their eyes, I hear and see mothers struggle with “exercise guilt,” over-commitment, busy schedules, and darn it, just too much life stress. Mothers often put themselves on the back burner believing that once everyone else’s needs are met, they can then meet their own. Treading water, their airway is just barely getting enough oxygen for survival. Moms easily verbalize that they must prioritize themselves, but the actions slip when life gets hectic. Paradoxically, when we put ourselves second, our kids are missing out on one of the greatest gifts a mom can provide: the inheritance of healthy life habits. Intangible goodness.  READ MORE
