Relighting the Fire....

az_biker.pngBy Trainingpeaks.com

Time out from sport is more common than many of us might imagine. Breaks from training happen for all different reasons: injury, fatigue and burnout are perhaps the more obvious. Just as often though I've known athletes to have enforced breaks due to pressures such as work, divorce, depression or, alternatively, happy life events such as having a baby or even getting married. Over the years I've had the enormous pleasure of helping many athletes restart their sporting journey. Here are a few proven strategies for getting going and reigniting your motivation for endurance training....



Let go of who you were, and focus on who you are now.
Time away from regular exercise results in an obvious drop in fitness, but as athletes many of us have many fond memories of feeling on top of our game, yet a relatively poor memory for the days when we started out and sport was much tougher. Starting out again is almost psychologically harder than it was to become fit in the first place; this can result in a negative focus on “how much was lost” rather than a positive focus on “how much is being gained.” By letting go of who we once were, living right now with a realistic self-image, and focussing on forward movement we find that progress and the motivation to continue become much easier to develop.


Take baby steps toward your fitness goals.
Once we have identified our current level of fitness—and accepted who we now are—the next great strategy is to see progress in the smallest steps. I myself took time away from cycling, after many years at an elite level, to start a family and devote more time to my new career. Ultimately though my love for cycling led me back to the bike. Starting out again, in a much heavier unfit body, was much tougher than I ever imagined. Instead of beating myself up, I accepted where I was, and instead of killing myself with rides way beyond my current fitness I started with a three mile commute to work and back. Success was measured in getting my kit on, getting on my bike, and commuting under my own steam instead of hopping in the car. Three miles soon became five, then eight, and very soon I was riding 10 miles, twice a day, five days a week. Moving from there to a structured training plan was a very easy step, and within a year I was back competing at a respectable level.   READ MORE
