Nick's Plans...

nick-and-girl.gifED. In his blog, 2015 Minnesota Junior of the Year, Nick Klonne, who now attends Colorado School of Mines, talks about his plans for 2016 and beyond.

By Nick Klonne (nickklonne.blogspot.com)

So it's been quite a long while since I've been on this thing, I should be getting more regular as things start to pick up this spring.

This post is titled plans, so here are some plans:

First, the short term plans for this semester... I'm currently part of CSM's Cycling and Triathlon Clubs, and will be doing some racing with both of them this semester. The tri club only has two races, USAT Collegiate Regionals in Arizona on March 19th, and USAT Collegiate Nationals in South Carolina on April 9th (???). As of right now, it looks like my bank account is only going to let me race Regionals. Luckily, Cycling Club should make up for that lack of racing. For only $100, I'm...

getting to race all around Colorado basically every weekend starting March 5th, which should be a lot of fun and also do me a lot of good for triathlon as well. Updates to come as the season rolls on...

Looking only slightly longer term to this summer, I'll be returning home to MN and racing some local tris. The main focus is to do a couple of 70.3 distance races, but also maintain some speed and have fun, and possibly get a solid Olympic PR (2:00-2:02). Here's the updated tentative schedule:

5/22 Gear West Du (maybe…)
5/27 Apple Du
6/5 Buffalo Sprint
6/11-12 Trinona Supersprint and Olympic
6/18 Toughman Wisconsin Half
7/9 Lifetime Minneapolis Olympic
7/10 Graniteman Clearwater Sprint
7/24 Toughman Minnesota Half
8/7 Graniteman Big Lake Sprint
8/13 USAT Age Group Nationals Olympic....READ MORE
