Rehab or Pre-Hab....

ball-lady.gifBy Bethany Rutledge (triathlon.competitor.com)

Use this pre-season time to (finally!) focus on all the things you should be doing to become a better triathlete.

Though it can be tempting to jump right back into swim, bike, run preparation for 2016, there might be better areas to focus on in the off-season that could lead to more gains.

During the season, it’s difficult to focus on that extra 10 percent, which is why the winter is the time to do all the things you’ve been putting off. Sure, there are no prizes awarded at the end of the pre-hab finish line or...

30-minute core workout, but it will pay off come next year.

Here are some ideas on why and how to emphasize the “extras” so when you hit triathlon-specific training, you’re healthy and ready to go!

Focus: Rehab or pre-hab
Got that one nagging little issue (or nervous to acquire any in the future)? Treat the off-season as injury prevention time. For many types of injuries, you need rest combined with proactive treatment for best results. Josh Glass, owner of Georgia Sports Chiropractic in Atlanta, Ga., points out that the majority of endurance athletes’ injuries are overuse in nature, and hands-on treatment, improved biomechanics and rest can all help.
Your training plan: Work with a healthcare professional to devise a rehab or pre-hab “training plan.” Making sure you’re not weak or lack mobility in a key area will pay dividends when you ramp up the volume down the road.

Glass says that the most important part of treating or preventing any injury is identifying the cause and getting an individualized treatment and home rehab plan you can do daily. Give yourself goals such as getting to the point where you can do an activity pain-free, achieving X range of motion or improving to a level of strength that your healthcare professional advises. READ MORE

