The Rookies Then & Now...

emily-and-fam.gifMinnesota Multisport Awards - A few days ago we posted a listing of Minnesota Triathletes of the Year dating back to 1999, the year the awards were inaugurated. Today we recall all of the past Rookies of the Year and where they are today.

2014  - NICK NYGAARD - Nick is nominated for "Most Improved" this year.


2013 - NICOLE HEININGER - "Heiney" has taken her place among our region's elite amateur women. Her resume features eight victories.

2012  -  HEATHER LENDWAY - Arguably America's most successful rookie pro this year.

2011  - RUTH BRENNAN MORREY - Ruth is now America's premier pro duathlete and one of its finest long course triathletes....


2010  - JENNY SHAUGNESSY - She left Minnesota after her rookie year to pursue a graduate degree at Duke University. She now lives in Colorado.

2009  - SUZY FOX - Winner of 11 multisport events in 2015, Suzy is nominated in three categories this year:  Triathlete of the ear, Duathlete of the Year and Performance of the Year.


2008 - KORTNEY HAAG - Still going strong, Kort is nominated for 2015 Long Course Athlete of the Year.

2007 - JEANNE FLECK - Biomechanical issues forced her out of multisports a few years ago. Now she is an elite cyclist.

2006 - MARTA LEWINSKI - Health issues (asthma?) had derailed her tri career for many years, but she is making a comeback.

2005 - JEREMY SARTAIN & SARAH KOLPIN - A motorcycle accident cut Jeremy's tri career short, but he is still involed in the local scene in other capacities. Sarah left the area to finish her medical training. She is now a doctor living in Pittsburgh. Cycling and fishing have replaced tri and du in her life.

kristen-rygg.gif2004  - JOHN KEANE & KRISTIN RYGG (photo L) - John is a doctor, we think, and Kristin is living in Florida.

2003  - CHUCK SMITH & KRISTEN WEAVER - Chuck lives in Lakeville and is the director of the Minnesota Storm Swim Club. He owns and direcrs the Lake Marion Triathlon. He has threatened to make a tri comeback. Kristin left the sport to concentrate on her career and family. She pops up on the racing grid occasionally.

2002 -  MIKE GRUBA & JOYCE BOURASSA - Mike is a doctor and Joyce is a decorated distance runner. Her tri appearances have been rare since her stellar rookie season.

2001 - NATE KORTEUM & EMILY DEPPE (photo at top with family) - Nate married Sarah Haskins and manages her tri career. They live in Florida. Emily lives in Colorado and races occasionally.

2000  - DAN COHEN & MORGAN LUZIER - Dan is a triathlon coach. He races infrequently. Morgan lives in Minneapolis, is an avid cyclist and professional fitness guru.

1999 - JONO MCLEOD (photo above R with daughters) & ALLIE LAWLER - Jono returned to his native Canada and Allie moved to Connecticut in 2000, where she raced successfully for a few years.
