CY's Mediterranean Sojourn...

cathy-wheat-beer.gifED. Coverage of last weekend's races will post on Tuesday and Wednesday.

By Cathy Yndestad (trigirlcathy.blogspot.com)

I'd heard of Mallorca as a top cycling destination, so for a Christmas gift to KY, I purchased a trip (for two) to the Mallorca Trek’s Travel Camp. Thankfully I was his +1 and off we went the last weekend of Feb. We knew a few other people signed up that weekend, so it was the perfect reason to make it happen.


DAY 1 - Remembering how to ride!

We flew out from Zurich Thursday morning and arrived in Mallorca midday. After an easy taxi to Read’s hotel in Santa Maria we were quickly set up on our camp issued Trek bikes and off we went on the first ride. LOVED the simplicity of camp issues bikes!!  It was just KY and I for this initial ride since we arrived later than the others. Weather was less than ideal, but it sure felt amazing to move the legs outside. I’m embarrassed to admit, but I think this 37km ride was the longest ride since Ironman AZ last November!  ...


We arrived back at the hotel and met the rest of the group then enjoyed our first delicious "family" meal.  The ~15 campers were the only guests at the hotel and we had a set 3 course menu each night .  Dinner would routinely start at 7:30 and we'd typically still be sitting in the dining room 2+ hours later. It was fun to get to know the other campers. There was a large group from Canada, and another fun group was from Wales. READ MORE
