Packing For Races...

compex.gifBy Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

I thought it would be timely, with the season approaching, to talk about packing for races (my season opener was last Saturday, you can read more on my schedule on the Gear West Blog).  I keep a packing list for race travel and race day gear on my phone so I can stress a little less leading into races.  Some of the items on here may seem very obvious but it takes away some worry and makes packing mostly mindless.

Travel Race
These are my notes for packing for a “travel” race, a race where you are driving or flying and are staying in a hotel or doing a home stay.  All subsequent lists are relevant to this as well so I didn’t add items here that are already on another list.

Trainer – nice to have if you can, for a quick warm-up or workout, pending trip length.
Pedal wrench – If you have multiple bikes and need to move pedals around.
Bike lock – Nice to make it more difficult if someone were to break into your car . I also highly recommend insuring your bikes.
Travel coffee mug – If you like to carry coffee with you race day.
Jump rope – I always carry this for an easy workout or warmup....

Recovery boots – if you have them it’s nice to recover right after a race.
Compex – Same as boots above.
Chargers – phone, computers, Di2, iPod, GPS, etc.
Massage balls – for rolling back and glutes.
Ear plugs – Races are early, likely you will go to bed much earlier than the rest of the hotel or maybe your roommate snores.  ALWAYS travel with earplugs.
Training clothes i.e. bike shorts, sports bras, tri/cycling tops, swim suit.
Normal comfy clothes for lounging.
Pending time traveling, at least one decent outfit for going into public/restaurants/meeting people etc.
Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, hair brush, razor etc. READ MORE
