Trom's Trajectory...

kellys-feet.gifThe MTN Guys recently contacted three of the 2014 Rookie of the Year nominees--we don't have Laura Greer's contact info. We asked them to share their tentative 2015 racing plans. On Thursday we will post ROY Nick Nygaard's plans. On Friday we will let you know what Emy Everhart has in mind.

Today, we will reveal KELLY TROM's tentative schedule.

Kelly's rookie season was brief (3 races) but very impressive. It was reminiscent of the rookie seasons of Claire Bootsma (2010), Ruth Brennan Morrey (2011) and Heather Lendway (2012) , all of whom went to the tippy top of the Team Minnesota women's roster in their sophomore year.

Can Kelly do that, too. It's totally possible, especially given that Heather Lendway has gotten her pro license, as has Dani Fischer, who relocated to Indiana, and Cathy Yndestad is moving to downtown Europe....


Kelly, who is a truly cool person who likes spangly shoes (photo), responded to our inquiring email thus:

Hi MTN Guys,

Happy new year and beautiful winter (knock on wood) we've been having!  Makes for a GREAT Boston training season-- far superior to that of last years!  
Funny you asked about this because I was just beginning to think about what I had in mind.  These races are all tentative, but I think I'd like to go about my summer as such: 
June: Buffalo Olympic distance and maaaybe Liberty half, but likely not
July: Olympic distance Mpls/Nakomis LT tri and Chisago half IM 
August: Olympic Distance nationals in WI, and Olympic distance LT tri in Maple grove 
September: Square Lake Half IM and possibly one last tri sprint for fun 
Those are what I'm thinking, so a few more races than the 3 I did last year!  I sure am excited just talking about it and it's only January so I don't think I'm biting too much off.  As I register we'll see where this goes.
Thanks so much for checking in ... and look forward to seeing you this spring/summer! 
Have a great week!

