Former Nail-Biter & Bus-Dweller...

jas-band.gifWARNING: Some of this content may be slightly embellished.

Going "Off Course" - Bemidji-based du/tri-athlete Jasmine Carlson has led, and continues to lead, a very atypical life, one that is extremely interesting and experientially rich. Words that describe her include: Itinerant, entrepreneurial, altruistic, mom, daughter, sister, erudite, musician and fetching.

The charismatic, home-schooled, fluent in Spanish 'cuz she lived in Mexico for a while, 29-year-old neat freak describes her itinerant past and entrepreneurial present:

"I live in an intentional community with my whole family and some transient others and have lived that way for years. We co-parent our kids and own a couple of coffee shops together.

"I traveled for 11 years of my life. In a converted bus. I’ve seen every state but Alaska."


Pretty interesting, huh? Love the hippiesque, Plato vibe. Hope she gets to see Alaska sometime soon. Maybe she could hang out at Sarah Palen's house, which would allow her to see Russia from the back deck....


The first question we had when we learned that Jas lived on a bus, was "What kind of bus?" Was it a "Hippie" bus with things that look like bathtub applicays stenciled on the sides and Steppenwolf tunes blaring from the windows? That would be cool.rebas-bus.gif

Or was it an oppulent tour bus type of deal, like the one owned by Reba McEntire (photo R), one with all the comforts of home, including a bidet, which some folks mistake for a drinking fountain. (We'll never make that mistake again!)

Then Jas sent us the photo (above L) of her and her band. (In case you didn't know, Jas is a singer/songwriter. How cool is that!) She's on the far left with a guitar and buccaneer-style headwear. You'll note that she is the only person in the group that doesn't appear to be totally baked. What's with that guy with the staff and tall hat?

You'll also notice a white hippie-style converted school bus with bathtub-like applicays on the sides in the background. We assume that that was Jas' home for more than a decade. Imagine her life during that period. Sleeping in Walmart parking lots. Doing her grooming stuff in Texaco bathrooms. Foraging. Skinny-dipping in rivers and lakes. Driving from gig to gig. Letting her leg and pit hair grow out.

Her life would make a great movie or novel, don't you think?

Who would portray Jasmine in the movie version of her life? We think Mila Kunis would be awesome in that role, but she'd have to cut her hair like she did in 2013 (photo below).

mila-kunis.gifJas used to be the lead singer/guitarist for a band called "Daughters of Exile." Cool name. Appropriate, too. People who live in buses and in "intentional communities" that co-raise children have chosen a non-mainstreamy kind of path, a self-exiled one. Ms. Carlson sent us her four-song  E.P. It was awesome. She sounds kinda like Alanis Morrisette, who is one of our all-time faves. Our favorite DofE tune is called "Lullaby." daughters-logo.gifCheck it out: LINK

Jasmine was an extraordinarily cute baby (photo below) who grew up to be an insanely pretty woman with great hair. She's very well-read and used to bite her nails. And she loves coffee, preferrably brewed by syphon-method, though a French Press also does a good job. She considers K-cups to be "one step above instant."

The next time we're in Bemidji we're gonna stop at one of the two locations of The Cabin Coffee House & Cafe, which she owns with her family, and order a Peruvian Dark Roast.

Jasmine Carlson is one of our favoritest people in the whole world. She is so cool and possesses interesting perspectives that come from observing the world from the other side of society's city limits sign. We admire her and love her to pieces. She's a HOOT! We thank her and her family for allowing us to have some fun at their expense. Please check out her groovy bio below.



Name? Jasmine Carlsonjas-baking.gif

Age? 29

Where you live now?  Bemidji, MN

Where were you born?  Cody, Wyoming

Education? Where? Degrees?  Homeschool, Spanish language school, personal trainer.

Occupation? Coffee shop owner, personal trainer, baker

Dream Job if you could do anything you want? I am living the dream!

Former Occupations? Musician!

Family? Wife? Husband? Kids? Husband and a son

Pets? Names? Dog, Sadie, she is a Great Pyrenees

Tattoos? Other cool mutilations? Yes, just got a tattoo actually, on my wrist. I tried to pierce my nose several times but it didn’t stick. I kept yanking it out with a towel. Ouch.

Best physical feature? My hair? Haha. I never know to answer this question actually.

Anything you wish you could change about yourself? Oh, that is easy. My temper!

Pet Peeves? Too many. Really. Way too many. Most of them have to do with cleaning.

Bad Habits? Not so much anymore. I used to bite my nails.

Embarrassing Moments? Sure. A good one was stepping up on to a stage one time to play music and my pants ripped. Totally classic.


Movies? The Hobbit! (since it just came out) I like movies actually. Quite a few movies. Joe vs the Volcano is like a cult classic in my house.

Actors/Actresses? Whoever does a decent job.

TV Shows? Good thing for the trainer. I am a CSI and SVU and Law and Order fan. I have recently finally gotten around to watching the Gilmore Girls. I am behind the times.

Books? Oh yes! I love to read. Tolstoy is awesome (most anything by him) C.S. Lewis, Stephen Lawhead, Dostoyevsky, Tolkein, Austen. Really this is just easier to do by author and the list is not going to end.

Musicians/bands? Currently I am just in to a mixture.

Songs? My theme song is “I Am A Stone” by Demon Hunter

Restaurants? All kinds of them all over the place. But Up In Smoke in TX is a huge favorite. I do like French Meadow in Minneapolis quite a bit and recently Shish in St. Paul. But I really miss true Mexican food and to get that I would need to go back to Guadalajara!


Meals? I really like food.

Junk Food? To be honest not really. I like popcorn.


Favorite Pizza? Unfortunately I can’t eat cheese so pizza kind of isn’t that exciting anymore but I can handle anything with goat cheese. I like all the weird kinds with greens and such on it. Ohhhh…. The mushroom pizza from Pizzeria Lola is soooo yummy.

Favorite Ice Cream? Right now it would be a mint chip because it seems to be OK in non-dairy form.

Favorite Hamburger? I like mushrooms on my burger… and peanut butter!

Favorite Alcoholic Beverages? I don’t drink.

Non-tri hobbies? Reading, writing, music.

Unique abilities? Unique? Well… I have a voice that can project like nobodies business.

cabin-logo.gifDream vacation destination: The beach. A beautiful beach. I don’t care where it is located.

Dream Car? Not really.

Anything you’d like to add about yourself? I live in an intentional community with my whole family and some transient others and have lived that way for years. We co-parent our kids and own a couple of coffee shops together.
I traveled for 11 years of my life. In a converted bus. I’ve seen every state but Alaska.
