A Bunch of Stuff...Updated...

finisher-glass.gifOH POOP! - The MTN Guys are totally bummed because there will not be a CHASKA TRI in 2015. According to race director Michael Beckmann, who is a truly cool guy who sweats profusely in hot weather and is willing to have his head shaved for a worthy cause (He is a HOOT!):  "Construction at the venue that will not be completed in time. Planning on returning for 2016 and the venue will be nicer."

Chaska Tri is a great event. Let's make sure that it has a record turnout in 2016, okay?

ARE YOU KIDDING?  - Not long ago we listed some of the 2015 race weekends that we considered to be either overbooked or lopsided. Our concern was that ALL of the affected events would suffer reduced...

attendance. A weekend that we didn't mention, and should have, is August 15-16. Currently, the Saturday date has two races--Young Life Olympic & Sprint and the HITS-Waconia long distance races--and the Sunday date has SIX races: HITS Olympic & Sprint, Pigman Half & Olympic, Burrito Union 5 & 10-Hour, St. Paul Olympic & Sprint, Lake Marion Olympic & Sprint, and the YWCA Women's Triathlon. It disturbs us that THREE long course races share this weekend. And it bums us out that most, if not all, of these fine races will have smaller-than-usual turnouts. There's plenty of time to adjust the schedule. We understand that some race dates are set-in-stone, but we sure hope that one or more of the race directors will connsider moving their event.hallock.gif

"GOING 0FF-COURSE" - The MTN Guys love to post "Off Course" stories and are looking for Minnesota tri and du-athletes who would like to be featured. Our first "Off Course" story of the winter was posted last Sunday. It was about a cool and fascinating woman named erin klegstad, who eschews capital letters and is actually from Hallock, not Karlstad. The piece was titled "High on Life and Weimaraners." Check it out: LINK.

If you'd like to be featured, contact us via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Facebook and we'll email you an "off Course" questionnaire.

HEY TRI-BLOGGERS - MTN loves to repost blog entries, so if you are a blogger and would like to boost your readership, let us know (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). To date, we have reposted the wise and entertaining words of Cathy Yndestad, Suzie Fox, Kortney Haag, Michelle Andres, Amy Bauch, David Thompson, Devon Palmer, Dan Hedgecock, Matthew Payne, Ruth Brennan Morrey, Heather Lendway, tiff-and-riley.gifChris Hawes, Steve Stenzel, Erin Klegstad, Hanna Grinaker and several others.

'LIKE US" - We have been remiss when it comes to promoting MTN on social media. PLEASE, if you haven't done so already, "Like" Minnesota Tri News on Facebook, and "Share" with your friends the posts that you enjoy. Thanks.

CONGRATS, MATT & TIFF! - We just learned that Minnesota's most decorated amateur male triathlete over the last two seasons, Matt Payne, and his wonderful wife Tiffany just had their second child. T-Payne did most of the work. Their son's name is Riley Harrison Payne and he has a lot of hair.

