Figure-Friendly Holiday Treats...

SEAN-AND-HANNA.gifBy Hanna G. Gingersnap (fitgingersnap.com)

I’ve told you before that I am not the hugest dessert lover on the planet. In fact, I could also tell you that if given the choice between a slab of chocolate and a huge steak…I would always choose the protein. But during this time of year? All bets are off and everything sweet and spice reigns supreme. But for the fitness fanatic/health freak that I am…treats loaded with butter and sugar and chocolate and candy (while good on occasion) are not something I eat on the reg. So what’s a girl to do when hit with a sweet tooth while trying to stay committed to my health goals? WELLLLLL, I make those sweets, using wholesome ingredients....


No idea where to start? I got you covered. Below is a list (well, slideshow actually) of my favorite sweet treats that can be used for holiday entertaining. Slight tangent here: My grandma ALWAYS used to have a stash of sweet treats hanging out in her freezer for when guests, or hungry grandchildren stopped by. That way, she was always prepared to have a little something to serve to houseguests–which is a common occurrence in the holiday season.

While she made treats that were not all that figure friendly, I’ve got a great round-up of sweet indulgences that are totally perfect for the holiday season. Absolutely awesome for the sweet tooth you can’t quell. And beyond wonderful for staying svelte and sweet during the most wonderful time of year. READ MORE

Photo - Hanna G. Gingersnap and her Best Guy, Sean Cooley.
