Stuff About Loving Your Body...

hanna-and-pig.gif(Photo - This pic of Hanna with her boyfood, Sean Cooley, and a random pig has nothing to do with this post. It's just a really cool shot.)

By Fit Gingersnap, aka (Hanna Grinaker)

There are several good reasons to make healthier choices, and I betcha you could name ten. For instance, we know that if we eat whole, clean, nutrient dense foods, we will feel better. We also know that exercise is powerful in terms of calming the mind and rejuvenating the body. And a side effect of following these guidelines will often be a reduction in weight–although one should never deny a massive plate of sweet potato fries on occasion. Through a healthy diet and regular exercise, our bodies will become slimmer, our sinewy muscles will start to pop, and belts for the jeans that at one time didn’t fit will become necessary. In theory, there is nothing wrong with wanting to transform our bodies into healthier, sexier versions of our former self.

But in reality, our reasons for wanting to lose weight — especially as women — stem much further than anything other than the physical results we see as a byproduct of this lifestyle. Oftentimes, our desire to lose weight is not out of self-love but fraught with self-hatred...

And it’s no secret that we are in a constant battle against our bodies (men too!), even when the natural things that occur in them as a result of an otherwise normal, healthy lifestyle occur. Cellulite, stretch marks, birthmarks, or even a lack of or overabundance of curves are all little annoyances that sometimes we just have to deal with (thanks genetics). And it’s absolutely true that thinness is not an automatic indicator of health just as much as being heavy does not mean that a person lives a sedentary lifestyle. READ MORE
