"...Gave My Dog a Mohawk"...

miles-mohawk.gifBy Suzie Fox (suz--news.blogspot.com)


I survived the toughest 2 weeks of the year, my mini-off season! Actually it wasn't so tough this year. In just under 24 months (Sept 9, 2012 - Sept 7 2014) I did 4 Ironmans, an open marathon, and countless other distance tris, dus, cycling time trials and running races so my body definitely needed a little break. I always miss training and usually I start sneaking light workouts in by the end of the first week but this year I happily committed to a full 14 days off to recover without a single swim, bike or run workout. I took quite a few full days of rest, did half a dozen yoga classes, took my "big" dog on long walks, and tried 2 crossfit WODs. I am big believer in active recovery and often times find that for me light swims, bikes, walks, core workouts or yoga classes recover my body better then total rest towards the end of a resting/recovery period....


It was nice to sleep in on the weekday mornings that I don't start work at 5:45am instead of going to Masters and have some unstructured weekend days in my usually structured life. I got a lot done around the house, gave my dog a mohawk and indulged in way too many yummy post IM treats. I even watched the Biggest Loser from my couch while eating pizza, isn't that the epitome of pathetic and lazy? But it's solid IM recovery though I hope :-) - READ MORE
