"...No Place Like Home"...

bikes.gifBy Suzie Fox (suz--news.blogspot.com)

Last Friday (9/5) morning Ann, Heidi, and I packed Ann's minivan to the max and returned to Madison for IM Wisconsin where it all began two years ago. In some ways it felt like it had been way more then 2 years and in some ways it felt like a lot less. We also had our friend John riding with us this year who I don't think realized that he was subjecting himself to 4.5 hours of nonstop girl talk but he was a trooper and we had a lot of fun. I was ecstatic that Ann and Heidi signed up with me again for this year bc there is nobody else I would rather take this journey with a second time, the training, the travel, the lodging, the whole adventure, these are my girls. My parents made the 8 hour drive from South Dakota and arrived on Friday as well, they have been to every IM I have done in the US. I was so grateful to see them all over the course, to have them stay in the same hotel as me just like in 2012 and to spend a lot of time with them over the weekend....


On Saturday at 4pm my good luck charm (5 month old nephew Hoyt) and my sister arrived. This was the first time my sister has been able to make it to one of my Ironmans so it was a really special treat to have both her and my nephew there!

I actually fell asleep pretty fast on Sat night which is very strange for me on any night especially the night before an IM. Unfortunately I woke up at 10:45pm and couldn't go back to sleep so I started watching movies in bed on Netflix with my headphones so I didn't wake the others and eventually fell back asleep. I had my alarm set for 4:13am Sunday morning with instructions to wake the girls at 4:15 bc they refused to wake up with 13 on the clock (my lucky #) but I was wide awake at 3:20am and could never go back to sleep. READ MORE
