"I'm a Triathlete at Heart"....

moms-donuts.gifED. Lendways rock socks at Ramsey County Beach. Spoth and Sames prevail at One Last Tri. Exciting stuff. Great racing conditions. Words and photos on Tuesday. RESULTS

By Michelle Andres  (teamandresjourney.blogspot.com)

I’m totally a liar…I told Lee and my boys never to believe anything I say in the weeks after an Ironman.  Some of you may remember my blog post right after Kona where I said I was done with triathlons and putting my bike on eBay.

This past year I’ve been trying to find my passion and see where my next big thing is calling my name…I believed it was the Olympic Trials in the marathon.  I kept seeking and asking myself….what is that goal that drives me each day.  The thing I think about when I fall asleep at night.  The thought that come to me right after I’ve ran through the boys’ schedules for the next day, what time can we all sit down for dinner, my daily grocery shopping trip, did I get all my work submitted for my graduate courses (yes I have 4 right now), making sure I have my lessons planned and grading done for my real job.  After all of those thoughts leave my head was comes rushing back in????? ....


 I’ve been working on my run and it’s been slow progress.  Probably because I haven’t been as consistent and been as focused as I was for previous goals.  Why is this?  I have been asking myself this since my PRP injection for hamstring last fall.  

This is my conclusion…I am a triathlete at heart.  I love running, but I just can’t walk away from swimming and biking.  Another thing I learned about myself this year…I love epic stuff.  Running a marathon is a big deal, but I need a little more crazy to go with that run…like swimming 2.4 miles and biking 112 first…then I can run a fast marathon. READ MORE
