Boosting Your Immune System...

food.gifBy Katie Davis (usatriathlon.org)

As athletes ramp up their training, they put their bodies at a higher risk of illness and infection. Research indicates that athletes are at an increased risk of illness not only in the hours after a hard workout, but in the one to two weeks following a competition. This is likely due to the increase in stress hormones (particularly adrenaline and cortisol) associated with training and competition. However, there are things you can do to keep your immune system running strong and minimize your risk of illness during training and competition.

1. Eat well
Despite the fact that many athletes take multivitamins, antioxidant blends and the like, there is a lack of....

evidence to support high-dose supplementation of antioxidant vitamins, glutamine or echinacea to prevent exercise-associated immune system depression. In truth, there is much research about the positive synergistic effect of the vitamins and minerals consumed in food itself versus a supplement. At meals and snacks, focus on nutrient-rich foods and fluids to provide the immune system what it needs. A few examples include:

-Whole grain and fiber-rich cereals, breads and pastas, especially those that include flaxseed or chia seeds as ingredients
-Include a variety of whole fruits and vegetables throughout the day. Fruit is great as a snack on-the-go, at the office or at home. It is naturally portable and also a great source of fluid. Add veggies (frozen are great too) with every meal. The more color at meals the better.
-Don't settle for plain, boring sandwiches, soups or pastas. Fill them with color by adding fresh and dried fruit and fresh cut up vegetables. READ MORE
