Group Rides Are Good...

group.gifBy Scott Fliegelman (triathlon.competitor.com)

A group ride can benefit your training and make you faster.

Though triathlon is generally a non-drafting sport, ironically some of the most fun and beneficial training we can do on the bike involves riding in a draft-friendly group. Organized group rides can be found in nearly all active communities, and may be geared toward bike racers, recreational cyclists or triathletes. As a coach, I structure my athletes’ bike training to allow ample time for solo sessions in order to prepare for the specific demands of non-drafting racing, such as time ...

in the aerobars, focused effort and intensity management, but I also strongly suggest adding in a weekly group ride as an excellent way to meet others, improve bike handling skills and get a killer workout. In a single group ride you may find yourself having a grueling hill workout, a leg-searing lactate threshold session, and plenty of steady tempo riding, often at or above the level you might be able to achieve on your own.

To find a suitable group ride near you, head to the nearest bike or tri shop and ask them for suggestions. Be sure to let them know your ability level and experience with group riding so they may tailor their recommendations accordingly. If you have access to a triathlon or bike club in your area, one of the many perks of joining may be the chance to join weekly group rides. Facebook may also be an excellent way to get some targeted suggestions on the subject, and if your FB friends aren’t yet hip to the local group ride scene then you may just start a group ride of your own! READ MORE
