2014 MMA Changes...

Men-of-Tri.gifMinnesota Multisport Awards - In it's 15-year history, the MMAs had never faced the issues that were faced in 2013. In the first 14 seasons, for instance, every nominee and Team Minnesota member had raced on Minnesota soil at least once during their respective seasons. This year, three award nominees--Ruth Brennan Morrey, Michelle Andres and Emily Kratz--raced exclusively in out-of-state events. Ruth ended up ranked #1 on Team Minnesota and Michelle won the Long Distance Performance of the Year award...

The Committee is discussing whether to insist that all amateur award nominees and Team Minnesota prospects race at least once within the borders of Minnesota. Pros need to make a living, and as such, are not required to race in-state.

At this point in time, though, the Committee is not ready to insist that Minnesota amateurs race on home soil. However, they want to STRONGLY encourage them to do so. Part of the MMA Mission is to be a community building vehicle, thus we encourage local participation and frequent interaction among our state's multisporters.

Next, the MMA Selectors had operated on the premise that an athlete needs three (some years four) outstanding, i.e. elite level (as measured against existing performance standards and event histories etc.) performances to be eligible for award consisderation. Until 2012, no one with only three great efforts had ever won an award or earned a spot on Women-of-Tri-Cropped.gifTeam Minnesota. In 2012, though, Michelle Andres raced only three times, but the Committee chose to place her on Team Minnesota (7th place). In 2013, several committee members believed that her 9:50:23 at Kona was so impressive that it didn't need to be supported by at least two other outstanding efforts. Michelle only raced three times in '13, with Kona and her 2nd at Hawaii 70.3 being her highlights. Her third race was frought with problems, bad luck and disappointment. In the end the Committee stuck to the rules, and Michelle did not make Team Minnesota. It was believed that the women that made the Team raced more extensively and with more versatility (long course, short course, duathlon etc.). Many of them won numerous races (two of them won national championship events) and podiumed in races with very deep fields. Is Michelle one of the Top 10 best female triathletes in Minnesota? Absolutely. Was her thin 2013 resume superior to any of the scorecards of the women on the Team. No.

We're still taking a lot of heat for that.

gwen_jorgensenflag.gifWe're also taking a lot of heat for not including America's premier ITU racer, Gwen Jorgenson, who has a home in St. Paul, on Team Minnesota in 2012 and 2013. The Committee will rectify this in 2014. Gwen will be eligible for a Team Minnesota slot. Draft Legal racing is not an option for amateur athletes, thus it is almost a different sport. This has hung us up in the past, but we want to be fair to Gwen, who is, after all, a freakin' superstar. And we also want to encourage her to get to know her amateur peers here in her adopted home state. It would be cool if she raced on home soil a time or two next season.

The MMAs will undergo some serious changes in 2014, and the Committee is totaly excited about them. Here are some of those changes:

- NEW AWARDS - Pro Performance of the Year (Male and Female)

- REVAMPED CATEGORIES - The Masters categories will be expanded. Prior to 2014, we had honored Masters Men (age 40-59), Masters Women (40-54) and Grand Masters (60+ men, 55+ women). Next year, we will honor male and female "Masters" - age 40-49, "Seniors" - men and women age 50-59, and "Grand Masters" - Men and women 60 and over.

When all of the rules for 2014 are finalized, they will be accessable on the MTN site.
