New Mountains...

MICHELLE-and-mom.gifThe journey continues...

By Michelle Andres (teamandresjourney.blogspot.com)

My blog has been updated to show the next journey I'm on.  The address even had to change since Team Andres arrived and conquered Kona.  An experience I will never forget.  I will always remember the friends and family that helped me on this journey.  But now...an new mountain to climb...The Marathon Olympic Trials for 2016. 

These last two months I have been relaxing and letting my body heal cause my next goal is even more Epic than the last...in terms of where I need to take my body and what I need to train it to be able to do.  Qualifying for the marathon Olympic trails for the 2016 games.  This means I need to run at least a 2:43 marathon to meet the "B" standard set by USA Track and Field or the "A" standard which is a 2:39 marathon...

I've created a long range, two year, plan for myself.  Family is on-board which is the most important piece for me.  Running has been my passion and something I realized I was good at way back in elementary school when I could beat all the girls and boys in gym class when we would run the mile.  Since then running has kept me sane through going to college, raising 5 boys, and enjoying living life.  Its when I'm running that I plan our dinners, figure the best way to handle a parenting situation, contemplate the best training methods, listen to the latest podcast on new research being done on training, and most importantly smile cause I'm able to do something I love.  Not everyone is able to move their bodies the way most of us can.  Some don't have a choice if they can go out for a run or a swim or a bike. ...READ MORE

Photo - Michelle and her mom after Michelle's state-record-breaking performance at the Hawaiian Ironman.

