Trimming the Thanksgiving Tree...

Fallout_New_Vegas.gifBy Warren Peece

With Thanksgiving only a few days off, I asked my son, Ian, to name some of things he is thankful for. This morning the 15-year-old told me he was thankful for Mountain Dew, Flamin' Hot Cheetos, Bacon, Fallout New Vegas, Polarius and boobs.

"That's all?" I replied, stung slightly by his omission of his mom and me. An oversight, I hoped. At least he mentioned the family dog (Polarius).

Defensively, he dared me to name in 30 seconds as many things as I could that I am thankful for.

Ian hit the "Start" button on the Stopwatch app on his iPhone and said, "Go." I was able to name 26 things before my time was up. And there was a lot more where they came from...



Neon-words.gif- Trudles & You

- My brother Doug

- Words

- Fish

- Labrador Retrievers

- Scotland

- Adrian Peterson

- Diet Pepsi

- Minnesota


pink.gif- Pink

- The Bourne Trilogy

- Jim Carrey

- A Prayer for Owen Meany

- Inland lakes

- The Beatles

- College campuses

- Gravy

- Canada

- Running

- Deep snow

- Baggy sweatshirts


- The West Wing

- Vernor's Ginger Ale

- Finished basements

- MInnesota's Multisport Community

FYI, Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday. I totally appreciate its purpose, which is to eat irresponsibly, watch football and, for one day, not take for granted the things that would enrich your life if you didn't overlook them.

The only thing that prevents Thanksgiving from being my favorite holiday is that it doesn't have a tree. If it did, I would put pictures of the things I'm thankful for on the ornaments and proudly hang them on my Thanksgiving Tree.

It would need to be a realy big tree.

