Brooks is in...

Broosk-t-man.gifMinnesota Multisport Awards - The MMA Selectors have decided to add Brooks Grossinger to its list of Triathlete of the Year nominees. Initially, only two members of the Committee supported his nomination. Their recommendation was overruled on the basis of “Field Depth” and “Versatility.” Concerning the former, Brooks’ victories, other than at the Gear West Duathlon (du efforts are not included in TOY discussions), were perceived as not, with one exception, being against fields that featured the participation of past or current Team Minnesota members. THis makes the performance hard to judge. As for the “Versatility” question, it was argued that Grossinger’s resume would have benefited from a strong performance on a long course, i.e. half IM or longer.

When the male TOY’s were announced, two of Brooks’ elite peers immediately contacted MTN, claiming that Brooks got screwed. The Committee immediately decided to reevaluate Grossinger’s resume. While doing so they were reminded of Lynette Bacon, who in 2007 was undefeated, winning seven of our region’s smaller triathlons. She was not nominated for any awards, nor was she named to Team Minnesota. The “Field Depth” and “Versatility” (she only raced in sprints) issues were not in her favor. The same had been true for Michelle Andres, who was...

probably not given the “love” she deserved before she outsprinted Claire Bootsma to the finish line at Gear West in 2011. Prior to that effort, Andres had raced primarily in small northern Minnesota events and rarely raced our region's established elite amateurs.

Michelle was fast but because she hadn’t proven herself against our state’s fastest women, she was overlooked at awards time. The same may have been true for Dr. Bacon.

A closer look at Grossinger’s resume revealed that his times in two of his four tri victories (Waseca ½ and Northwoods) were “Elite Fast,” i.e. either record-setting (Northwoods) or in the established elite ranged based on event history.

So, with apologies to Brooks for overlooking him earlier, the MMA Selectors are pleased to confirm his official nomination for 2013 Male Triathlete of the Year.


Brooks Grossinger’s 2013 Tri-Resume:

1st amateur / 3rd overall @ Lake Minnetonka

1st overall @ Timberman International

1st overall @ Waseca 1/3

1st overall @ Northoods – Course Record
