"The Coolest Thing I've Ever Done"...

Tracy finishes

ED. Brendon and his home skillet, Suzy, won the Fall Classic Duathlon this morning. Results will be available soon on the CALENDAR & RESULTS page. A story will post on Tuesday.

By Tracy Serreyn

This was my year to attempt the Ironman distance for the first time.  For the past two years I’ve volunteered at Ironman Wisconsin.  Last year I got up before dawn to wait in line with hundreds of other volunteers to register.  My husband and son have raced triathlon for years so I wasn’t unfamiliar with the sport but at that point I had only been training myself for two seasons.  I felt I had put in enough time to give it a shot.

I built up a good base and worked with a bike coach all winter to get ready for training last spring.  The summer flew by and my training went very well.  Paul was also registered for the race and he became my bike training partner, which worked out well for both of us....


Race morning started out with a laugh…

I had heard all the horror stories about the swim start at Madison and YES they are all true!  Not only was it like swimming through a mosh pit of bodies the entire 2.4 miles, but due to the high wind we had that morning we also had a good chop on the water.  My swim was a couple minutes off of what I had been hoping for but when I finally got out of the water and saw the clock I was relieved that it wasn’t worse.

Running up the helix to T1 was very cool.  People cheering you on all the way up and at the top Kyle was there yelling for me.

Riding your bike down the helix is another story.  I looked down for 1 second to start my bike computer and looked up just in time to avoid hitting the wall. READ MORE
