Letting The Kids Play too...

kidsIntroducing Your Child to Triathlon

By Matt Russ (for usatriathlon.org)

Compared to traditional sports, triathlon is the new kid on the block. Participation in a youth event represents some new and perhaps unique challenges for the youth triathlete and parent alike. There are very few

the race and equipment needs. Most youth distances are designed for participation with a minimum of preparation involved for the active child. A good place to start is in the pool by determining if your child can complete the distance of the swim leg. If your child cannot swim more than a short distance without difficulty, beginner swim lessons or instruction may be appropriate. Not only will this enhance his or her fitness, but it will give you greater peace of mind for general safety in and around the water.bike

If your child participates in other sports that involve running, do not be overly concerned with physical preparation for the first event. If your child is sedentary, a very gradual progression is warranted. Start with an easy bicycle ride of about half race distance, adding a bit more each week. Run progression should be about the same, and perhaps walk the remaining distance. Each week add a bit more (easy) running and a bit less walking. Acknowledge the progress your child makes:
