Understanding Refueling...
Monday, 17 December 2012 01:10
How to Refuel After a Hard Workout
By Nancy Clark
For Active.com
What's best to eat for recovery after a hard workout?
That's what marathoners, body builders, and fitness exercisers alike repeatedly ask. They read ads for commercial recovery foods that demand a three to one ratio of carbs to protein, tout the benefits of a proprietary formula, or emphasize immediate consumption the minute you stop exercising.
While these ads offer an element of truth, consumers beware: engineered recovery foods are not more effective than standard foods. The purpose of this article is to educate you, a hungry athlete, about how to choose an optimal recovery diet....
Which athletes need to worry about a recovery diet?
Too many athletes are obsessed with rapidly refueling the minute they stop exercising. They are afraid they will miss the one-hour