Pammy, Ponder & Turtleman Stuff...

pamFAST TIMES IN TEMPE - Pie-loving Pam Nielsen (photo) and Andy Schiesl, who probably likes pie, too, were two of the Minnesotans who PRed their buns off at Ironman Arizona last Sunday. Pammy's awesome 10:15:53 was one of the Top 5 IM times ever by a Minnesota woman. Not only that, it was almost 22 minutes faster than her previous 140.6 best, set on the same course in 2008. Placing 6th overall among female amateurs and 2nd in her AG by a slim 1:42, Pam was rewarded for her excellence with a Kona slot. Cool beans.

Andy's brisk time was 9:33:53, which sliced 2:06 from his year-old PB, also set on this course.

Here's how the Minnesota Iron-Rock Stars fared: Tonja Beckman - 13:23:49, Mike Buenting - 10:05:25, Joe Conlin - 12:09:59, Mark Crowson - 11:41:12, Lori Dixon - 12:56:19, Cory Grasser - 12:33:56, Andy Gunsaullis - 12:17:41, Scott Hagemeier - 13:52:19, Anthony Hirschman - 9:55:40, Angel Hohenstein - 13:07:25, Brian Kelly - 11:53:09, Peter Laskewicz - 13:15:00, Brian Logue - 13:35:24, Mark Loken - 15:12:44, Jon Moynihan - 10:24:28, Pam Nielsen - 10:15:53, Chris Potenza - 12:47:10, Merilee Sander - 11:51:11, Andy Schiesl - 9:33:53, Scott Tollefson - 11:52:41.

ponderSPREADING THE WORD - MTN wholeheartedly supports COMMITMENT DAY (CD Website), thus we encourage you to watch this super cool video of famous people like Vikings QB Christian Ponder, who totally rocked against the Lions, especially his awesome bomb to Jarius Wright, talking about this revolutionary event (LINK). As a committed athlete, you don't need this kind of motivation, but please tell your "future fit friends and family members" about Commitment Day.

ON INDEFINITE HOLD - A Message from Turtleman director Mark Stange.

The volunteer committee which produces the Turtleman, Minnesota
