Recovery Happens
Thursday, 20 May 2010 19:00
(Art: Chest X-Rays: "A" belongs to a normal guy. "B" belongs to a guy with pneumonia. Photo: Bonnie drinking coffee through her ear. Don't try this at home! Drawing - A woman who looks like Bonnie, only totally different, doing sick-in-bed stuff.)
Making a Comeback Without Making a Scene...
By Bonnie Vivify
If there's one thing I should be good at it's making a come-back to training. In fact, I should be a pro at it by now, unfortunately. As I continue to progressively heal from my lung infection, the Pulmonary Specialists are allowing me to ease into training. First let me point out that these specialists are so busy doing specialistic type things that it was necessary to explain to them what a triathlon consisted of: "Nope, there isn't any jump roping or hog tying involved, it's just swim/bike/run... No, you do the three events back to back, not over the course of the summer.... Yes, people die.... No I have not yet seen someone die in the swim and I hope that I never do... Yes, we are all crazy."