Chelsea's Amazing Story....

busED. Trudy Marshall, aka "Trudles," is one of the MTN Guys. She is also the founder / Executive Director of the Best of the US Triathlon Series (LINK). On Tuesday she posted an amazing story about an amazing triathlete. We had to share it with MTN's readers.

May 08, 2012

"It's a terrifying thing to see a bus wheel on top of you."

On April 21, Chelsea Duran, 29, was the third place Nevada finisher at RAGE Triathlon at Lake Mead, Nevada, thereby qualifying to race at the Best of the U.S. National Championship. That is her bike helmet underneath the school bus, and this is her story:...

I started in triathlon almost 3 years ago. A client of mine came to me asking to be trained for a triathlon. I had been a cross country runner for a long time and had swum and cycled most of my life, but I had never done a triathlon. I figured the best way to train her for it, was to do one myselfso I could give her first hand experience. Rage in the Sage was my first one, with very little chelseatraining and a borrowed mountain bike. I came in third in my age group and I was hooked. After that I did IronGirl and my first Olympic at Pumpkinman. When I came in third in my age again at that race, I decided I wanted to see how far I could take this thing. January saw a new discipline to training and huge improvements in all three disciplines as I prepared for the Olympic distance at Rage and my first half-ironman at 70.3 Austin. Two weeks before the race, I took my new time trial bike out for some hill training in an area I expected very little traffic. That ride changed my life forever.

On March 30, 2011 at about 12pm, I found myself under the back tires of a school bus. It
