What If...

smith bros(Image L - These are NOT the Smith Brothers who are discussed in this post.)

Imagine how tough it would be to land a spot on Team Minnesota if elite athletes never moved; or sustained retirement-inducing injuries or had babies; or turned in their bikes for Bud Light and golf clubs; stuff like that.

Imagine, for instance, that two-time Triathlete of the Year Wendy Peterson was still racing; and that Sam Hauck and 2007 Duathlon World Champion Sarah Kolpin did not go to out-of-state medical schools; or that Jeremy Sartain's motorcycle crash had not happened; or that Jenny Shaughnessy....and Curt Wood...and Joe Fogarty...and Christy Orris...and Rob Gilles....and Peter Skorseth...

And what about those athletes who still race but various circumstances prevent them from performing at their highest levels? Folks like 2006 Triathlete and Duathlete of the Year Marlo McGaver. Or former Rookie of the Year and Most Improved winner Dan Cohen, who works overtime helping others achieve their tri potentials. Or Rhett Bonner, who...

hasn't raced as often as he'd like because he's busy doing important doctor stuff. Or Josh Riff, whose doc responsibilities kept him off the race course for most of the 2011 season. And what if John Shelp hadn't gotten sick?

chuckLet's not forget about the Smith twins, Buck and whatshisname. (Just teasing! The Smith boys are Chuck and Phil, and as you may know, they produce the totally good Lake Marion Triathlon. Pleasantly eccentric, Chuck, pictured at left, likes to dress-up and stand on rocks.) As rookies in 2003, the bros placed 6th and 7th at Nationals in Shreveport, Louisiana. Phil retired from the sport in 2004. Chuck raced pro in 2005 and had competed infrequently between 2007 and 2009.

We've categorized the Team Minnesota-worthy folks who, for a myriad of reasons, can not make the team. After you've checked out the list, imagine how formidable TM would be if, say, Jenny Shaughnessy, Cindi Bannink, Sarah Kolpin, Emily Finanger and Jeannie Fleck were eligible to join Claire and CY and Becky and Ruth and HKM et al on the girls list; and, say, Chuck Smith, Rob Gilles, Sam Hauck, Scotty Myers, Jeremy Sartain and Curt Wood could be listed alongside DKT and Hedge and Parish and Payne and O'Connor.

Whoa! As it is, TM is nothing short of awesome. Imagine what is could be, though? And know that we are writing off the top of our heads here. There are bound to be plenty of names that deserve mention but are missing here. For this, we apologize. (Use the ADD COMMENT feature below to let us know who we overlooked.)

- RELOCATERS - Women: Jenny Shaughnessy, Emily Deppe-Finanger (2005 Triathlete of the Year), Sarah Kolpin (photo below with her favorite hat and pet trout, Browny), Cindi Bannink, Christy Orris, Kate McCann, Brook Mutzenberger, Shelley Nelson, Kristin Rygg, Andrea Myers (has returned to MN and will race here in 2012!). - Men: Sam Hauck, Joe Fogarty, Scott Myers (has returned to MN and will race here in 2012), Eric Ellingson, Marc Ellingson, Nick Vandam, Chris Leiferman.sarah

- RETIREES - Women: Wendy Peterson, Kim Fordham-Lien, Darcy Franklin, Kristin Nicollini-Lehmkuhle (superstar potential; retired after one race, wherein she placed 2nd behind Cathy Yndestad at Life Time-Minneapolis Elite), Julie Olson, Kristin Miller. - Men: Peter Skorseth, Robert Gilles (2001 Triathlete of the Year), Curt Wood, Chuck Smith, Phil Smith.

- ABSENTEES - Women: Susan Williams, Sara Zimmermann-White (returned to racing in 2011 after a five-year absence. Could return to Team Minnesota in 2012.) - Men: Dennis Dane, Neil Miller, Michael Stoick, Erik Hendrickson, Doug Davis.

- INJURY ABSENCES - Women: Jeanne Fleck, Katherine Schlaefer, Mary Beth Tuttle.

- LIMITED BY INJURY/ILLNESS - Women: Marta Lewinski. - Men: Jeremy Sartain, John Shelp.

- OCCASIONAL RACERS - Women: Marnie Walth, Melanie Carvell, Robin Wangberg, Kristen Weaver. - Men: Dan Cohen, Rhett Bonner, Josh Riff, Rich Heilman.
