Breadsticks & a Frosty Leinie's

cutabreadWARNING: Some of the content in this post may have been embellished. The rest may have been totally made-up.

Going Off Course - Ever go to the Olive Garden intent on scarfing down at least 30 of the Never Ending Pasta Bowl combinations, but by the time your alfredoed angel hair arrives you've hoovered 67 breadsticks? You then leave the restaurant ten minutes later in a state of crushing despair for having just spent

In 2010, St. Paul Iron-girl / pedagogue / person-who-can-talk-really-fast-with-her hands / Nora Roberts lover, Kristin Cuta, ODed on OG breadsticks 45 times, which, on the glass-half-full side, did allow her to ingest nurdles of all 42 Pasta Bowl combinations. Not sure, but this could be a some kind of a record.chart

Thus far in 2011, Kristin, who has an amazing smile, has "over-sticked" on 38 occasions. She'll need to visit the Olive Garden at least twice a week through the month of December if she hopes to break her record.

Kristin Cuta is an intensely interesting person. Highly educated and passionate about her work, her stud boyfriend named Steve (According to a research study at one of Mississippi's most prestigious junior colleges, 98% of all Steve's are studs!), her friends, her sport and her hobbies and breadsticks. Few things baffle her, though she can't understand how anyone can prefer plain M & Ms to the peanut ones. She prefers the Food Network to HGTV and likes to spend her evenings munching kettle chips with extra salt, pounding a few Leinies (Honey Weiss), stroking her cat's geriatric fur and re-reading "A Wrinkle in Time" for the umpteenth time.

Here's some more stuff about this remarkable person:

Personal stuff:

Hometown? I grew up in Inver Grove Heights, MN

Education? I have a Bachelors Degree in Biology and two Masters Degrees, one in Deaf Education and one in Science Education, all from University of Minnesota- Twin Cities

Occupation? I am a high school science teacher for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students at Metro Deaf School in St. Paul

bookMarried? Family members? I am not married, but in a committed relationship. My biggest supporters are all my family members and boyfriend, Steve. My family members are my parents, Dennis and Cheri Cuta, my older brother Craig and older sister Denise, brother-in-law David, sister-in-law Karen, and my 2 nephews and 3 nieces. My parents will be driving out to meet me in Arizona for Ironman Arizona. My boyfriend will be going along to volunteer at the last run station before the finish line while I race. (This questionnaire was filled out in October.)

Pets? I have a 13-year old cat, Sebastian.

Things you hate? Driving on ice in the winter. I am a born and raised Minnesota girl, but I still do not like to drive in snowy or icy weather. Would rather cross country ski to locations if I could.

Nerd? Geek? Stud or studdette? I would call myself a science nerd, but one that is an athlete.


TV Shows? I like watching the Big Bang Theory (the science nerd in me!), Revenge, and my boyfriend and I have been big fans of Ghost Adventures. It is entertaining for us. We also watch a lot of the Food Network shows and talk about driving to various locations and testing out the local fares. Every now and then, I like the History Channel and the fascinating things they have on it.

Books? I read too many of them, but I have always been a big fan of Madeleine L'Engle and I still appreciate the books she has written as an adult.

Writers? I read a lot of Nora Roberts books for pleasure in my spare time, but I love reading a variety of books from different authors, depending on my mood. I also like Barbara Kingsolver's books as well. If I am in the mood, I will read some science fiction/medical murder mysteries.beer

Singers/bands? Even though I am deaf (but wear hearing aids) and don't listen to music like the average person would, I was always a fan of Faith Hill. I like CDs that have words along with them, so I can appreicate the music more when I know the words. I have been too busy lately to look up words ing songs of any other singers.

Restaurants? I often frequent Olive Garden for their addicting breadsticks and salads, along with pasta meals.

Beer? I do love my Leinenkuegel's Honey Weiss

Booze? Otherwise, I like trying out different kinds of red wines, and love the Food and Wine Experience in Minneapolis in late February/early March.

Ice Cream Flavor? Chocolate. I am a big fan of chocolate malts and been known to crave them after a big race.

Junk food? I love peanut M&Ms. Plain ones are okay, but just don't give me the satisfaction that the peanut M&Ms give me.

Crunchy snack? I love plain kettle chips. So addicting, but gives me the salt I need after a long training workout.

Meal? I love Italian, which is so convenient for carbo-loading!

Sports Teams? I am huge Minnesota fan, all sports. I love football (college and pro) and baseball (Twins). I also enjoy watching hockey, especially college hockey since I am a U of M alumnus.

Also: Heroes? I volunteered at Ironman Arizona last year, 2010, and I was able to serve water/Ironman Perform drink to Chrissie Wellington. I loved it that she was smiling and saying thank you the whole time (she had to run pass my station 3 times, and each time she was smiling!), having a GREAT time during her race. She won the women's race. I have been a big fan of her ever since.

Dream vacation destination? My dream is to go to a beach during winter break, to just get warm and relax. I would love to visit Hawaii or any of the Caribbean islands.

Hobbies? I love to read different books on my down time. Since I am teacher, I like to read this not always related to work to relax. I also like to spend time with friends and family, watch sporting events, and participate in other things other than my races.

mmsEmbarrassing incident? Tripping and flying several feet off a treadmill at the gym while going full speed. There were several people on treadmills nearby and they all stopped to stare at me, as if they couldn't believe I fell off. It was a very humbling experience for me, but I was fine, other than a bruised ego. I rather run outside if I can, but sometimes when it is too dark out to see or hear, I feel safer running indoors.

ALSO: I usually train with one other Deaf friend of mine, Beckie, and we did Ironman Louisville together in 2009. I am sad to say she was too busy this year to train for Ironman Arizona, and she didn't race this one with me. I also joined a triathlon group through Champlin Lifetime in January, and we trained and raced together this year at Trinona and Maple Grove Triathlon. We have a racing kit called the Hot Stuff Triathlon Team. T

"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." - Joshua J. Marine

To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people, and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics, and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know that even one life has breathed easier because you lived. This is to have succeeded. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dinner out: $50 A new pair of jeans: $85 Saving a life: Priceless Donate to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society today!
