
Name the Saint Paul triathlete who won $1 million

mandalaYou’re forgiven if you answered “Gwen Jorgensen”. Natural mistake.

Besides, it’s a trick question. 

The $1 million prize was for something else. And it didn’t actually go to an individual, so don’t start warming up your business plan for a possible investor pitch.


That said, there was a million dollar prize, and it was won by a triathlete, and she is from Saint Paul. . .

In fact, the prize was the St. Paul Foundation's $1 Million Forever Saint Paul Challenge, and it was won by Tracy Sides for her Tracy Sidesvision of “a one-of-a-kind food hub that will make Saint Paul a national destination and model for local food systems done right,” according to the Challenge website.


If mastering nutrition is the “fourth leg” of a triathlon, mastering a sustainable food system is equally integral to maintaining a healthy community. And that’s what Sides--triathlete, public health expert, passionate proponent of whole, healthy food--is creating.


Armed with a Masters and PhD in public health, and years in a more traditional public health career, Tracy left her position with the U’s  Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy in 2012 to become what she calls “a public health entrepreneur”. The culmination of that drive is Urban Oasis, her winning idea for a hub that creates healthy connections, leverages the power of community, and the “magic” of food.


There’s a magic inherent in food,” says Tracy. “Food can create jobs, improve our health, and build a sense of community and place.”


And THAT is what the Urban Oasis Food Fest & 5K on September 19th are all about. The 5K itself is likely the most unique run you will do all year. Following a traditional Native American blessing, the run starts at Indian Mounds Regional Park  where the breathtaking view encompasses downtown St. Paul, the river, the Capitol and the Minneapolis skyline.  The course is a paved path down, down, down, to the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary, past the aid station where you can grab a (compostable) cup of cold water and a frozen strawberry [did we mention that this is a Fun Run?]. Hard-packed earth softens your stride through the beauty of the Sanctuary, where quiet and the spirit of ancient Native culture from the Wakan Tipi Cave envelop you. Then you get to take on that butt-kickin’ climb back to the finish!


And enjoy the most unique post-race food ever. Creations of professional chef and accomplished runner, Jenny Breen, who also works with the U’s Healthy Foods, Healthy Lives Institute, are such treats as peanut butter protein balls (aka “Sustainaballs”) and honey cups, made from all locally sourced ingredients, naturally.


Clearly, this is a family-friendly event, where entire families will walk/jog/stroll or run together. Following the 5K is a Worm Wiggle for small children...a special 100 yard course for the little ones, with a wiggly surprise waiting at the end. (Hint: it relates to composting!)


Around that time, live music from the stage begins, and you can tour the entire Food Fest. Visit over 25 exhibitors contributing to healthy, whole food in the community, taste test fabulous food creations including hot dogs and pizza (yes, whole & healthy can be fun, too!), play “I Spy Local Food” and learn the many ways that Urban Oasis is already impacting the community.  FULL AGENDA


From their Healthy Meal-Making Programs, to the amazing condiments made in the Kitchen on the Bluff from produce purchased from local farmers and featured at CHS Field, the new St. Paul Saints ballpark, triathlete Tracy Sides and the team at Urban Oasis are truly creating magic.

 This beautiful mandala is featured on the 5K race shirts


