
Bison Pastrami & Flamenco Dancing...

bison_pastrami.gifThe MTN Guys are totally into Facebook. And because triathletes are also people, FB is  where we go to find out cool, non-triathlon stuff about them.

Here's some interesting non-triathlony stuff about five of Duluth's most prominent swim-bike-runners:

-JESSICA ROSSING - Jess is into Flamenco dancing, which is a Spanish deal that features a lot of stomping and the clicking of cucarachas. It's a tap-dancy kind of thing that sounds cool. Dance Link

- ROD RAYMOND - If ever there was ever a guy who didn't have a "Feminine Side," it's The Rocket. Or so we thought. We learned recently that he is into Ballet, which is totally a ...

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Rockin' Like Wham...

bob-thompson.gifYWCA Indoor Tri #2 - Bob Thompson is an intrepid guy. He likes unique challenges, like last month's Iceman Xtreme 5K Obstacle Course, where he placed 6th overall. Tough course in arctic conditions.

He's a pretty dang good triathlete, too. Two weekends ago he won the Mega Sprint competition at the YWCA Indoor Tri #2, doing so in a time significantly quicker (see graphic below) than his effort at the Y's Indoor Tri #1, back in November.

Bob is a good looking 45-year-old guy who is into white belts and disco dancing (photo L). His favorite movie has to be "Saturday Night Fever." Born in 1969, we suspect that his favorite song of 1985 was "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" by Wham.

But we could be wrong.

The women's Mega Sprint was won by decorated outdoor triathlete, Anne Grabowski, who is a very nice person. Like Bob, she didn't win the November Mega Sprint, but was oodles faster this time around. Check out her...             

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Offseason Edge Keeping...

Chicken-Fight.gifBy Jay Zacharias
For Active.com

The goal is to have fun during the offseason without losing too much of that hard-earned fitness. The secret is to direct your focus from being a triathlete to becoming a better athlete.

Think about it this way. Excellence in short and long-course triathlon requires full body athleticism — a combination of aerobic capacity, muscle strength, mechanical efficiency and coordination.

Most of us spend the majority of our training time building aerobic capacity and that's a good thing. Let's face it, if you can't cover the race distance nothing else matters....

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Winter Bike Trainer Stuff...

spin.gifBy Bethany Rutledge (triathlon.competitor.com)

If you have the discipline to ride the trainer this winter, then it’s safe to say you want to make the most of time invested. You’ve probably heard a friend brag about watching multiple movies during epic spins, but saddling up for hours with no real focus isn’t going to get you much of a jump on next season. In order to improve, you need to challenge your body by varying intensity, volume, frequency and duration.

Assuming you’re an age-grouper with a limited schedule, you’ll benefit more from adding some type of intensity into your plan year-round instead of cycling at a very low intensity for long periods of time....

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Parenting a Talented Kid...

child-triathlete.gifBy Daniel Coyle (thetalentcode.com)

Quick thought experiment:

Let’s say you’re the parent of a kid who really, really loves skiing. (It could be soccer or chess or tennis or triathlon, but let’s make it skiing.)

Let’s say that by grade school, your kid is dominating their peers. Stories about their prowess begin to spread. Then it happens: you get approached by coaches, scouts, national-team types. They have an important question for you:

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