Bison Pastrami & Flamenco Dancing...

bison_pastrami.gifThe MTN Guys are totally into Facebook. And because triathletes are also people, FB is  where we go to find out cool, non-triathlon stuff about them.

Here's some interesting non-triathlony stuff about five of Duluth's most prominent swim-bike-runners:

-JESSICA ROSSING - Jess is into Flamenco dancing, which is a Spanish deal that features a lot of stomping and the clicking of cucarachas. It's a tap-dancy kind of thing that sounds cool. Dance Link

- ROD RAYMOND - If ever there was ever a guy who didn't have a "Feminine Side," it's The Rocket. Or so we thought. We learned recently that he is into Ballet, which is totally a ...

girl thing. Sure, its artsy-farsty, but only those dudes that are truly secure in their sexuality can unashamedly admit to liking ballet. Way to go, Rod.

- KIRSTEN BICH - Dr. B is into something called "Wikiwiki Wahine." Wahine, we learned, is pronounced "Wah-Heen-Nay," not "Way-Hyne," as we originally thought. It's a Hawaiian thing that has to do with girls kicking men's asses in boat races.

gibson_guitars.jpg- RHETT BONNER - Kalamazoo, Michigan is famous for craft beer--Bell's Ales are largely responsible for launching the craft beer industry in the U.S. in the late 80s--and guitars. K-Zoo is where the Gibson brand was started in 1902, and where it remained until 1974, when it was relocated to Nashville, Tennessee. Rhett Bonner loves Gibson guitars and may even own one.

- KRIS KOLENZ - Kris ia a HOOT! She is also a carnivore whose favorite place to by meat is the Northern Waters Smokehaus on Lake Street in Duluth. We looked at the place's website. They sell Bison Pastrami (photo on page 1) and something called "Salumi." Here's some stuff about the Smokehaus:

We are a unique gourmet specialty market and eatery located on Lake Superior in Duluth, Minnesota. Eric and company are just as committed to using local, sustainably raised meats and fish as they are to hosting plenty of friendly food conversation. Our eclectic little shop is filled with smoked fish, handcrafted smoked meats, artisan salumi, unique deli sandwiches, and other gourmet sundries.
