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Will There Be Oreos at Green Lake?...

gl swimAt 10:20 this morning we received an email from Green Lake Race Director / Entrepreneur / Seriously cool guy, Dave Baker, who doesn't type too good. Here's his unedited note:

We close registration to,Oreos for the green lake triathlon. Could you please send out one more reminder for me. - Dave

Our reply was: "Huh?"

To which he responded:

Oops. That must have been a auto correction to my sloppy typing skills. Closing registration to Oreos would get me in lots of trouble.

Closing registration tomorrow (Wednesday) for the green lake tri....

To which we responded: "Does this mean there won't be Oreos at the race?"oreos

Dave did not respond to that. He's a busy guy, what with his entrepreneuring and race directing, and all.

We love Oreos. Who doesn't? So, we encourage everyone who plans to race at Green Lake, which, and we mean this sincerely and with every fiber our collective beings, to e-mail Dave and request that be buy enough Oreos (have you tried the Oreo Fudge Cremes yet? They're lipgasmic!) to satisfy all of his race participants' sweet teeth. Say, 10 cookies apiece should do it, doncha think?

SUPER IMPORTANT "HAVING SECOND THOUGHTS ABOUT THE WISDOM OF THIS POST" UPDATE: We gave this Oreo deal some further thought and decided that IT'S NOT A GOOD IDEA TO E-MAIL DAVE and ask that he give every participant of this weekend's race 10 Oreos. We did some research and some math. It seems that it's not cheap to buy enough Oreos for 600-700 voracious triathletes. Do you have any idea what 7000 Oreos cost? It's like a bazillion dollars. How would he cover that? Sure he's got lots of money (did we mention that he's an entrepreneur?), but come on! We suspect he'd pay for those gastrominic delights with the dollars he had earmarked for advertising on MTN and paying his race announcer.

So, PLEASE don't e-mail Dave 'bout the cookies, okay? And know that even without them, the Green Lake Tri is a tremendous experience.

To repeat, registration closes at midnight tomorrow (Wednesday). We hope to see you in Spicer on Sunday. RACE WEBSITE
