Race Previews

A Prickly Tickly Tummy Weekend...

ironmanbousus open

Ever get tickly pricklies in your tummy when you're waiting for something that can't get here fast enough?

Us neither.

We lied. Actually, our digestive organs are totally spazzed with anticipation over next weekend's racing schedule (pronounced Britishly: "Shed-Yew-El")...

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Royal's River Triathlon Stuff...

wmThe tri season in Minnesota is NOT over, as we believed until Steve Halsey set us straight. Thanks, Steve!

We feel like morons!

So, if you're looking for one more multi, check out the Royal's River Triathlon next Saturday (Oct. 9) in Watertown. Yes, the swim will be in a pool. To learn more, visit the event's WEBSITE.

WAIT! THERE'S MORE. We just received this Press Releaselette:...

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YWCA Women's Tri Stuff...


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Mascarpone Cheese Spread & Artsy Fartsy Stuff...

guyRace Preview - Sadly, Minnesota's final multi of the 2010 season will be contested this Saturday in Grand Rapids. The event is the 4th annual Kickin' Leaves Duathlon and consists of a scenic 10-mile bike race bookended by similarly scenic three mile runs. The race, though under-publicized, deserves to be supported and perpetuated, so if you can find it in your aerobically obsessive heart to squeeze in one more run-bike-run this season, we suggest you visit the..

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Great Floods & Souvlaki with Tzatziki Sauce...


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Drei Duathlondruben Previewenzee...

osceolacw ig

Weekend Race Previews - You may have noticed that we are totally fluent in German, or "Doitch," as they say in downtown Germany. In deference to this being the United States and all, we'll proceed in American.

The busiest duathlon weekend of the season is on the horizon. Three run-bike-runs, two on Saturday, one on Sunday, are just days away. You can still..

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