Race Previews

Stuff About Waseca V...

swimWaseca Preview - The 5th annual Waseca 1/3 and Sprint is slated for Sunday and, well, we're kinda bummed. Why? It's on the same day as the Chisago Half and Sprint, which isn't great for either race, attendance-wise.

We have a very special chamber in our MTN hearts for Waseca. Not just the race and its bitchin' courses, but the town itself. It's one of those Midwestern communities that make you proud to be a Midwesterner.

Nearly everyone who has done the 1/3 IM has raved about event and MTN urges EVERY triathlete in our solar system to do it someday and see if you don't get hooked. Successful tri veterans like Dan Cohen, Matt Payne, Kevin O'Connor...

Sean Cooley, Suzie Fox and Lydia Novotny will tell you that the race is totally groovy, though they may not use those terms. Our point is this: Try it. You'll like it.

Okay, now for some predictions. Based on the registration list that we saw, which certainly will be updated, we think that Brooks Grossinger is the clear favorite to win the men's title in The Third. Brooksie is racing like a banshee this RUNyear. A win on Sunday would be his 3rd in four starts.

We see the battle for the women's title in The Third to come down to a duel between a silly-fast rookie--Nicole Heininger--and a decorated veteran--Julie Hull. We're anxious to she how that womano-a-womano deal shakes out.

We're also anxious to see what happens in the Sprint event, which consists of a short swim (.25 mile), 14 mile bike and a 4.4 mile circuit of picturesque Clear Lake. We suspect that the husband/wife team of Scott and Andrea Myers will share the Top Step of the podium, something they did often during their nine-year stint in Ohio.

You can still get in, you know! RACE WEBSITE

Photos purloined from Steve Stenzel's great blog: LINK
