Race Coverage

Trinona Notables ...


TRINONA OLYMPIC COVERAGE - The last time an amateur triathlete broke two hours on Trinona's legendary course was 2012, that is until last Sunday when SEAN COOLEY proved that he is returning to the form that earned him the Minnesota Triathlete of the Year honor in 2017 and consecutive nominations in 2018, and 2019, the year the pandemic urged him to step away. Well, Sean's back, and that is a great thing. His time last weekend was 1:58:30, which necessitated his signature monster bike split. He now has two wins in three starts this season, his career victory total is at least 23.

Sean was not the only athlete to kick Olympic ass in the Winona hinterlands. PETER WIKMAN, arguably, if not unquestionably, the current frontrunner for Minnesota Most Improved, placed 2nd, matching his placing at Buffalo the previous weekend. Moreover his time--2:00:15--was a personal best at the Olympic distance.

Perhaps the finest performance of the day however was turned in by women's winner CARYN HERRICK, who was too busy racing with the faster men to concern herself with the competition in her own gender. Her winning 2:12:37 was, like her husband's (Peter Wikman), her finest..

Olympic performance to date. This was not a PR, she's popped a 2:10 on a far less challenging course last year, but it was one for the record books. Only HEATHER LENDWAY had negotiated Trinona's routes in a faster time, doing so in 2014. It was a performance that, with others, pushed Heather into the pro ranks,where she was named US Pro Rookie of the Year in 2015. Herrick's effort outperformed RUTH BRENAN MORREY's best (2:13:36 - 2017), as well as CLAIRE BOOTSMA (2:14:39 - 2012) and Minnesota's all-time winningest female triathlete CATHY YNDESTAD (2:15:23 - 2013) and other tri luminaries.

TRINONA SPRINT - Significant performances were turned in by NOAH BILLINGS, 17, who lowered his own junior course record, and MAUREEN LYBARGER, an elite nordic skier and accomplished distance runner. Both athletes placed 2nd overall in their respective genders, Billings finishing 1:10 behind Iowan NICHOLAS DICKLIN, a collegiate triathete with an impressive resume, and Lybarger's 1:06:21 almost a two minute improvement on her 2021 3rd-place effort here, which appears to have been her triathlon debut. We hope Maureen will race often this year, if so, a Rookie of the Year nomination could come her way. 

Maureen was beaten by Onalaska, Wisconsin's HEIDI WERNER, winner of the Green Lake Sprint and Elkhart Lake triathlons last season.

Approximately 400 athletes finished Sunday's races. RESULTS
