Race Coverage

Breaking Cardinal Rules...

blue-glasses.gifED. Results links for the Young Life Tris and HITS Half IM will be posted later today.


By Devon Palmer (palmertri.wordpress.com)

I did my best to answer all your Canada questions on twitter. I learned so much from those simple, primitive people and their untamed country.

Whistler is gorgeous. The lake for the race was really nice. The bike course is pretty neat, some serious climbing but no super scary descending and the hills were not super steep.

With the bone bruise on my heel in early June I lost about 3 weeks of running and then it took a couple more weeks of half to one mile runs before it felt normal. My longest runs were three miles. I knew I would not be running the marathon. The only circumstance under which I would finish (by run/jog/shuffle/walking through the marathon) was if enough other guys dropped out so that I was in 8th, the final paying position. This is an odd mindset to have. Mostly I just wanted to practice...

the swim then riding steady. Every other Ironman I’ve let myself bonk badly and I just wanted to do the ride as easily as possible and practice being smart for once.

That is pretty much how things went. I actually broke the cardinal rule of the swim (don’t get dropped) and got dropped. Actually, whoever I was drafting got dropped and I wasn’t able to bridge back up to the group. It was pretty relaxing cruising the second lap of the swim solo. READ MORE
