Race Coverage

News! Breaking Like the Wind...Updated...Updated Again...And Again...

carHy Vee 5150 EA Championship - According to an unassailable source, Devon Palmer, Dan Hedgecock just WON the Elite Amateur title at Hy Vee 5150 Total Global Championships in Des Moines this morning, for which he'll receive a little car, which is cool, though the vehicle is not big enough to carry his bike and gear, much less, Claire, who now has to find her own way back to The Cities, and schlep Hedge's bike and gear with her. A minor inconvenience.

Dan's win, combined with his victories at St. Anthony's, Life Time - Minneapolis and amateur title at Chisago Half IM, plus his 3rd at Nationals, probably makes him the frontrunner for the 2012 USAT Athlete of the Year award....

FYI - The car in the photo is NOT the one that Dan won. More Hy Vee news to follow.

UPDATE: Hedgecock's time, 1:52:30, was the event's amateur record, lowerring Adam Webber's previous standard by a substantive 2:06. How cool is that!

Also, someone said that Patrick Parish finished 8th.

NEWER UPDATE: Patrick did finish 8th. Alex Hooke placed 17th. Claire Bootsma was 13th; Jess Rossing was 39th and Nordica Stocker placed 52nd.

Buffalo's Marcus Stromberg rocked an overall victory in the Hy Vee AG Triathlon! Lakeville's Kyle Serreyn was 3rd! Sue Rubens (5th) and Lydia Novotny (6th) Top 10ed in the women's AG race. RESULTS

YET ANOTHER UPDATE: David Thompson finished 9th in the men's pro race, for which he won $12,000.

Harvest Duathlon - It's possible that the faster-than-last-year times were a result of course alterations. A gaggle of folks--two actually--have emailed us claiming that one or more of the courses were shorter than that or those used in 2011. If this is true, it means that while new course records were set, the old course records didn't actually fall.
