Gratitude, Pro Licenses & Kona '13....

michelleMMA winners Michelle Andres, Greg Taylor and Ruth Brennan Morrey were unable to attend the awards party last Saturday. Michelle, who has a "thing" for naked cowboys (photo L), was hunting deer with her husband and their 10-12 sons while simultaneously celebrating her mom's 70th birthday; Greg was called into work doing important doctor stuff and Ruther was in England, probably drinking a few pints of bitter and eating bangers and mash. They emailed their acceptance comments. Good stuff!

From MICHELLE ANDRES (2012 Performance of the Year - Amateur CR @ Ironman Wisconsin)

Wow! Super neat:). Thanks!!

IMoo was a great day. Almost everything came together for me, but I'm still waiting for that swim thing to click. .

The support I received before the race, the day of the race, and after the race from the Tri community was very heart warming and I appreciated it so much.

I'm honored to be part of an amazing group of athletes and all around nice people! ...

I'm looking forward to working hard this next year and making the MN Tri community proud in Kona come next October.

See you in the spring!greg

From GREG TAYLOR (2012 Master of the Year)

MTN - Even though we made plans to come and even purchased tickets, for which I DO NOT want a refund, an issue popped up at work that is going to require my attention this weekend. But I have come up with the words I would like to have you share on my behalf:

Some ask why I continue triathlon after over twenty years. No doubt it is fun to win age my age group and ESPECIALLY gratifying to talk smack to younger triathletes. And there is the satisfaction of working toward and reaching a goal, which for me is mostly about not slowing down too much. But the answer is bit simpler. I tri because of everyone here. Because of the energy, joy and excitement that you bring for all to share. Where else could I find hundreds of wetsuit clad people ready to thrash through the water, ride their bikes, pull out a strenuous run and then smile and laugh at the finish. Truly a celebration of life. I have met and continue to meet so many wonderful people. Plus I love the sound of Jerry's voice in the morning. And to Keven O Connor, I consider it my good fortune every time we interact. Thank you for opening up your store tonight and thanks for all that you do to support the sport. And to the MMA committee, it was a sudden issue at work that prevented me from attending tonight. To know that someone notices and then takes the time to deliberate over the nominees, all of whom have earned recognition, well, this award means a GREAT DEAL to me. From the bottom of my racing flats to the top of my aero helmet I say a heartfelt thank you.

(Read with Swarzneggerian accent) And for all doze dat vere on da Meisterlist vit me, all I kan say iz dis: Next yeahr Ah'l be in shape. But furst a nap.
